Home Energy Improvements


I think it’s safe to say that we could all do with some extra money in our bank accounts. What we don’t realize is that the best way to save money is by making home improvements in order to save money on electricity.

You can save money on your bills just by taking advantage of these energy saving tips. The best place to start is with an energy audit so that you can gain a better understanding of what areas of your home need the most work or help in order to be the most efficient. To get you started, though, we’ve created a list of the most common steps people can take to improve their home’s energy efficiency.

There are various routes of escape in your home- these allow hot air out, or cold air in and make the use of your heating system redundant.

  • The easiest first step is to make sure all of your windows and doors are weather stripped. If you have an attic space make sure that if there are any spaces or cracks around the wiring, pipes, chimneys, or light fixtures that these are filled. It sounds like a small thing, and it is, but it can drastically improve your home’s ability to retain its heat. This has to be the first step, too, because if you add insulation you won’t be able to get to those cracks and crevices.
  • So the next step, obviously, is to add insulation. Your attic should have 10 inches of insulation at a minimum. The attic is the most vital insulation area because heat rises, and to blow insulation into walls invites a lot of holes being drilled into your siding. Though, if you live in a cold climate this may be something you want to consider.
  • It’s common for ductwork to leak much of the heated hair into the crawlspace, basement or attic areas. Sealing the seams, as well as wrapping them with insulation, can cut your heating costs by up to 30%. FYI, the job isn’t as simple as a home DIY application of duct tape, because it won’t last long. The best way to get the job done right is by calling in a professional, because it’s messy and it is time consuming.
  • If your boiler/furnace is over 20 years old, it may be time to replace it. The same goes for air conditioning units that are over 10 years old. This is due to the fact that they are not energy efficient. Even if you choose new equipment that is midrange it can offer a saving of up to 20%. If you opt for high efficiency units you can save even more.


If none of these options are in your budget right and you’re considering a phoenix title loan, then there are plenty of other ways to save money on electricity without having to spend big. These energy saving tips involve home improvements that improve you and how you live.

  • Conserve water- you can use low flow showerheads, which come in a variety of flow rates. Additionally, some even feature a pause button, which allows you to turn the water off while you lather. Toilets consume up to 40% of water that we use in our homes, so consider a low flow toilet. Changing a standard 3.5-gallon toilet to a 1.6 can save over 10,000 gallons a year.
  • Electronics & appliances- in a typical home these account for 20% of energy bills. Ensure that your fridge/freezer is located away from any sources of heat and sunlight. Shut down your computer when it’s not in use and ensure that phone chargers and plugs are unplugged when not in use. When purchasing new electronics always opt for ENERGY STAR rated equipment.
  • Daylighting- avoid turning the lights on throughout the day, consider double paned skylights. Additionally, light tubes which amplify low levels of light by channelling it through the tube in order to distribute the light evenly. Light shelves serve a similar purpose.
  • Laundry day- only do laundry when you have enough for a full load. Unless you have some really dirty clothes, choose a lower temperature and shorter cycle. Make sure you empty the lint trap before every dryer use. Ideally, avoid use of the dryer and instead use clothes lines or drying racks.
  • Heat & Cool- there are other ways to stay warm/cool, without flipping the switch on your HVAC systems. A ceiling fan can be just as effective as an air conditioner, and requires much less energy. Make sure you replace the air filters in your HVAC systems. Also, set your thermostat- for every degree you turn it down imagine 2% of savings on your energy bill. Turning it down 5 degrees will save you 10% off your total bill and make sure you close the curtains and blinds at night in order to insulate the room. If you don’t take a few steps to conserve, you’ll be finding out how cash advances work to pay your high bill.
  • Replace your bulbs- CFL and LED bulbs can reduce the energy being used to light your home by as much as 75%. Traditional bulbs convert just 10% of the energy they are consuming into light, the other 90% becomes heat. LEDs (Light emitting diodes) can last up to 15 years, contain no moving parts, and consume even less energy than CFLs. CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) last 10 times longer than your traditional bulb and use 75% less energy.
  • Tank-less water heater- this simply means that your water heater doesn’t store hot water, it simply heats it as it is required. That means that there is no energy lost from storing hot water that isn’t used. The tank-less water heater instead heats the water directly. Turn your hot water tap on and it is cold water that is travelling through the pipe, with an electric element heating the water. You have a constant supply of hot water when you need it, and there is no need to wait hours for your storage tank to catch up and fill with enough hot water for your bath.

Let us know if you have any great energy conserving tips and drop a comment down below.

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