7 Things to Do When You Hire a Maid Service


When you hire a maid from the maid agencies in Dubai, you have several things that you need to keep in mind. Here are the top things to do when you hire a maid from a maid agency in Dubai.

Get References

You should get references for the maid to ensure that they do a good job. The agency may have recommended the maid, but ask for some references from actual customers so you know what you’re getting.

Ask What the Maid Can Do

When talking with maid companies in Dubai, you must find out what the maid can do. Not all maids would do every service and if you need specific services, you may have to hire a different maid or look to another service to get what you need from the maid. Talk about the various services with the agency so you understand everything that the maids would cater to.

Discuss Costs

Before you hire anyone, discuss the costs with the maid service. You need to know what you’re going to be paying for and how the payments will be made. You should have all the required paperwork and never sign anything until you understand the all the aspects of the service to be provided.

Discuss Your Expectations with the Maid

Let the maid know what your requirements are, so the maid knows what’s expected of his/her. By letting the maid know what’s expected, he/she will do a better job for you. For example, you should ensure the maid knows the times he or she will be working and how the work should be done.

Make a Task List

To avoid confusion with your maid, give the maid a task list so they know what is to be done in the home or place of business and the order of the things to be done. If the maid has a specific tasks list, he/she will be able to get the work done in lesser time.

Discuss Religious Needs

Maids in Dubai may have religious needs and must pray at certain times of the day. You should discuss this with the maid agency so you know if the maid must stop work to meet their prayer requirements for the day. You need to keep these religious needs in mind and be sensitive to them even if you are not religious yourself.

Talk with Various Maid Services

Before you hire, talk with several maid companies in Dubai so you get the best maid for your needs. There’s no need to go with the first agency you come across, you should spend some time and find a high-quality service for your needs. It’s worth it to write down a short list of agencies and then discuss your needs with each agency before you hire the maid. This will help you find the right maid.


You should have no trouble finding a good maid agency in Dubai. Spend some time talking with the various maid agencies so you find the right maid to meet all your requirements.

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