Do Your Kids Not Eat Their Vegetables: Well Here Is How You Get Them To


Are you a parent that struggles to get your kids to eat their vegetables? I’m sure we have all been there, screaming kids refusing to eat their greens at the table but begging for some chocolate at the same time? Sound like your household? Thought so. However no matter how hard it might be you need to keep pushing them because vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, great for your kid’s health and growth. So the real secret is, how do we get our kid’s to eat up? Well we have provided you with some tips and tricks sure to get them eating.

Tips for Getting Your Kid’s to Eat Their Vegetables:

  • With children it is very important to plan their meals, and the times that they eat, that is why we advise parents to get their kids eat regularly and have plenty of liquid, water preferably. However, if you want to slowly introduce vegetables to your kid’s taste buds then perhaps start them off with snacks such as carrot sticks.
  • Why don’t you introduce different dips which they can dip their vegetables into, this is a great idea if they having them as snacks. There are plenty of dips you can choose which are reasonably healthy, for example hummus or perhaps a salsa based dip.
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables can actually encourage kids to eat them; this is because they have been a part of the process of growing it. If you would like to grow your own fruit and vegetables, then why not consider hydroponics. With hydroponics you can grow all year-round and actually will find that is tastes better! If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then go out and purchase a hydroponic tent, Trojan tents are popular at the moment.
  • It is important to not force them to eat their vegetables; instead what you should do is reward them for good behaviour and eating their vegetables.
  • Don’t give up!
  • For the younger kids, arranging the foods in different patterns on the plate, like a flower can actually encourage them to eat everything.
  • Make sure the dinners which you do make for the kids are tasty and full of all different goodness, for example if you’re having pasta make sure it is whole-grain pasta. And then add small portions of vegetables into the dinner and then grow the portions bigger as they get use to the taste. We often advise people to cut the vegetables up small or mix it into others foods, for example if you’re planning on having mash potatoes, why not mix the vegetables up with that, or choose sweet potato instead of normal potato.
  • Get them involved in the cooking process and make food fun!
  • Be a good role model, if your kids see you eating vegetables, then this can often influence them to eat theirs too!

By simply introducing these things into your life, it will become that much easier for your kids to eat up! So give it a go and don’t be scared.

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